MAPflow releases four new clinical algorithms

MAPflow Updates

MAPflow releases four new clinical algorithms

May 29, 2024

It’s been a busy month at MAPflow! We’re thrilled to announce that four new clinical algorithms are now live on the platform. The new algorithms include:

●      Contraception

●      Emergency contraception

●      Singles (herpes zoster), and

●     Urticaria

These new algorithms are available in specific provinces — for example, the contraception algorithm is available in provinces where contraceptive prescribing is included in the pharmacist’s scope of practice, such as British Columbia.

Our expert authors and reviewers

Every MAPflow algorithm is authored and peer reviewed by experts in the field. We are privileged to collaborate with leading medical and pharmacy professionals to ensure that each algorithm is comprehensive, current, and optimized for a smooth workflow.

We complete peer reviews of all content biannually, and sometimes more frequently if clinical practice guidelines have changed.

You can meet our team of authors and reviewers here, and search by each ailment. A special thanks to everyone who helped us deliver these new algorithms!

Developing timely algorithm updates

At MAPflow, our team is committed to delivering algorithm updates as promptly as possible. We deliver changes to the database as quickly as possible to adapt to Ministry of Health changes. Here are a couple of example of our turnaround time:

●      The EO notice on virtual assessments conducted by remote pharmacists in rural pharmacies was sent out 1st week of January. MAPflow implemented this change by the 2nd week of January.

●     We delivered Ontario’s 6 new minor ailments before the launch date of October 1, 2023. We also ensured compliance with new regulations (namely the drug lists instead of AHFS), and changed the database structure to accommodate for all of this before the MoH go-live date.

What’s coming next?

We’re working on several new algorithms right now, and we’re so excited to release them as well! Our team is developing algorithms for tobacco cessation, dyspepsia, headache, seborrheic dermatitis, and tinea (cruris, corporis, pedis), and these are scheduled for release very shortly. That will bring MAPflow to a total of 33 minor ailment algorithms, meticulously tailored for regulatory compliance in each jurisdiction our members practice in.


Have questions about the algorithms? Get in touch with our team at

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