Level up your pharmacy practice with our new “Other Services” feature!

MAPflow Updates

Level up your pharmacy practice with our new “Other Services” feature!

July 25, 2024

Our team has been working on something special for you! We’re so excited to announce a new feature that goes above and beyond minor ailments prescribing: our “Other Services” features. 

The Other Services feature is designed to help you deliver exceptional patient care by identifying eligible patients for a wide range of services, including vaccinations, medication reviews, OTC consultations, and tobacco cessation programs.

The MAPflow platform will now identify these patients for you, making it easy and seamless for your team to offer additional services and provide comprehensive care. You’ll receive prompts to see who is due for vaccinations, and who may benefit from a medscheck session. 

The “Other Services” feature breaks down silos and provides and smooth workflow to help you deliver a broader scope of practice and a more holistic approach to caring for patients. Not only does this enhance patient care, but it also maximizes pharmacy revenue—a win-win for everyone!

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