Frequently Asked Questions

What is MAPflow’s pricing model?

We offer annual subscriptions that begin the day you purchase. MAPflow's individual subscription is per pharmacist and the pharmacist can use their subscription in any pharmacy. MAPflow's per-pharmacy subscription is for one pharmacy with an unlimited number of users. Subscriptions renew automatically and you can cancel your renewal at any time during your annual subscription. You can see more pricing details here.


How do I register a pharmacy on MAPflow?

Once you register in MAPflow, you can activate a pharmacy using the Create New Pharmacy button. Ensure that you are using the right accreditation number for the Pharmacy. If it is taken, it means that the Pharmacy is already active. If this happens, contact the Pharmacy and have the MAPflow Administrator invite you to the Pharmacy.


Can I share my MAPflow subscription with other pharmacists at my pharmacy?

MAPflow offers two kinds of subscriptions. MAPflow's individual subscription is limited to one pharmacist and is not to be shared. Each subscription is linked to the user’s license. This subscription is best for relief pharmacists, pharmacists that work at multiple locations, and for a pharmacy with one pharmacist. MAPflow's per-pharmacy subscription allows an unlimited number of users in one pharmacy. This option is best for pharmacies with multiple pharmacists and health teams.


I own two or more pharmacies. Can I be the Pharmacy administrator for both? How do I set this up?

You can register multiple pharmacies. Register the first pharmacy once you sign up to use MAPflow. Once on the pharmacy's dashboard, go to the My Pharmacy tab on the left side.  Go to Settings and Create New Pharmacy.  You can read additional details for MAPflow's per-pharmacy subscription here.


My pharmacy does not have a subscription but I do. How do I use my subscription?

Any pharmacist can be the MAPflow Administrator and set up a pharmacy. If you have a MAPflow individual subscription then you can be the administrator. Simply add your pharmacy to your account. Contact us if you need help at


What to do if you purchase a pharmacy that already has a MAPflow account?

If you purchase a pharmacy that already has a MAPflow account and you want to use MAPflow at that  pharmacy, please email MAPflow's customer service via email at We will create a new accreditation number for the newly purchased pharmacy.


What if I don't receive my activation email during registration?

If you do not receive your verification email during registration, please contact us here:


How do I get a refund for my MAPflow subscription?

After you use the system for the first time, there is no refund for a MAPflow subscription. This means that once you create an assessment with a New Patient, you have used the service.


What email address should I sign up with?

Use your own email address when registering for MAPflow and not the pharmacy’s email address.


What is the difference between an individual subscription and a per-pharmacy subscription?

MAPflow's individual subscription is for one person and can be used at an unlimited number of pharmacies. The per-pharmacy subscription offers one subscription for an unlimited number of users at one pharmacy. It cannot be used at a different pharmacy. The per-pharmacy subscription also offers role-based access for your pharmacy team (e.g., technicians, assistants) as well as patient-directed follow up. You can find details for pricing here.


What is MAPflow’s per-pharmacy subscription?

MAPflow's per-pharmacy subscription offers one subscription for an unlimited number of users working at one pharmacy. It also offers role-based access for your pharmacy team (e.g., technicians, assistants) and patient-directed follow up. This subscription is best for pharmacies with multiple users or family health teams. You can find details for pricing here.


How do I invite pharmacists to my per-pharmacy subscription?

First, set up your per-pharmacy subscription here. Next, link your pharmacy to your account. Then you can invite your pharmacists to join your per-pharmacy subscription. They will receive an automated email and will set up their accounts under your pharmacy. They will not pay for a new subscription.


I have an individual subscription to MAPflow and I want to change to a per-pharmacy subscription. How do I do that?

Upgrading to a per-pharmacy subscription is easy. You will keep your existing account - your email and your password - and you will add a new subscription to your account. You can then turn off auto-renewal on your individual account if you do not wish to keep it. You can read more about this process on our blog.

You may qualify for a discount. Reach out to us for more information at
